“Epochal change involves a combination of altered circumstances, new ideas and values and transformative technologies. Today we are confronted by the human impact of globalisation and one way or another we have to reconcile human aspiration and the limits of our natural environment. The internet has joined the short list of agriculture, the steam
engine and electricity as a profoundly liberating and disruptive technology. The scene is set for a shift of consciousness on a par with the shift of circumstances and technologies.
Copernicus, Galileo and Newton helped lay the ground for the Enlightenment by revealing that the laws of nature didn’t conform to the accounts in religious doctrine. Despite the powerful logics of progress and the narrowing of Enlightenment values, might it be insights into human nature which help prompt a twenty-first century enlightenment? Running through this essay is a new take on humanism.”
Het complete essay kun je hier lezen. AANRADER.
In het geval Digitaal Humanisme, lees ook nog eens mijn artikel People, Planet, Profit 2.0.