“At the Amiga launch, Deborah Harry, singer for the group Blondie”, posed before a video camera. A single black-and-white frame was frozen and trasferred to a paint program where Andy filled in colors, added lines, drew with the mouse and finished in ten minutes what would have taken weeks in a studio.”
Films van en over Andy? Zie http://www.jogyjogy.com/search_videos.php?query=warhol
En kijk vooral naar de full-length movie “I Shot Andy Warhol”.
Nou ja, “tekent Debbie Harry” . . .
“At the Amiga launch, Deborah Harry, singer for the group Blondie”, posed before a video camera. A single black-and-white frame was frozen and trasferred to a paint program where Andy filled in colors, added lines, drew with the mouse and finished in ten minutes what would have taken weeks in a studio.”
Bron: http://www.artnode.org/text/andywarhol/amigandy.pdf