Media Value Chain-thinking vs. Media Eco System-thinking

Increasing fluidity of Media Eco System asks for value constellation based bussiness models instead of traditional value chain based bussiness models:

1. Digitization is damaging the traditional value chain based business model, which worked for advertisers, agencies and publishers

2. Increasing fluidity of the Media Eco System drives development of value constellation business models

3. The tradional value chain business models (which worked for advertisers, agencies and publishers) are not future proof

4. Central question: Which value constellation based business models are future proof in the Media Eco System? Answer: learning by doing

Value Chain thinking versus Value Constellation (Media Eco System) thinking is now THE essential mindset-difference.”

Lees hier het complete artikel. Vraag me af in hoeverre “Value Constellation” zich verhoudt Value Chain 2.0

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