Social Media “Experts” are the Cancer of Twitter (and Must Be Stopped)

“Now the first symptom of this disease was what I call “social media deafness”, a state that occurs when a person’s social graph exceeds 500+ virtual friends. The result is that the person is a mile wide, but an inch deep. Suddenly the friend you use to know develops amnesia like symptoms and starts ignoring your direct messages — what was first simple Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder becomes full blown zombie like state.

The zombies then seek each other: You’ll always notice that of the 5,000 followers that a social media expert has that all 5,000 of them are also social media “experts”. Their only form of conversation is to quote each other and live tweet conferences where they gather. Like any good Ponzi scheme the lead zombies can make a good living feeding the hopes and aspirations of the worker level drones who parrot their every blog entry.

But that’s where the problem starts with us civilians: The drone level zombies then start to stalk any innocent Twitter user they can find. They don’t care who it is or what that person is interested in because their first prize is the “auto-follow”. By finding enough folks who don’t have auto-follow turned off they artificially inflate their number of followers which inflates their “expertise” in the field. Most start out by doing this to each other, but before long they need to prey on the flesh of the living.”

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One thought on “Social Media “Experts” are the Cancer of Twitter (and Must Be Stopped)

  1. Niet alleen zogenaamde social media goeroes melden zich aan als followers maar nu ook zelfs huizenaanbieders uit mijn woonplaats en bedrijven die toevallig geld verdienen aan de hobbies die ik heb. Het geeft je het nare gevoel echt “gevolgd” te worden. Gewoon niet omkijken en er is niets aan de hand…

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